Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
The Parish of St Edward the Confessor provides a range of activities for children and teenagers. These include spiritual, catechetical and pastoral activities such as the Parish First Holy Communion Program, Altar Serving etc. We are committed to the protection and safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults in accordance with the guidelines from the Archdiocese of Shrewsbury
The Parish of St Edward the Confessor provides a range of activities for children and teenagers. These include spiritual, catechetical and pastoral activities such as the Parish First Holy Communion Program, Altar Serving etc. We are committed to the protection and safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults in accordance with the guidelines from the Archdiocese of Shrewsbury
At St Edward the Confessor we take safeguarding very seriously so that everyone can feel safe and secure, practicing their faith, participating fully in the life of the parish, and being part of a caring Catholic community which looks out for one another.
We remain vigilant, so that those who have failed to honour the commandment given to us by Jesus to love one another and who harbour nefarious intentions, have no place to hide within our parish and the wider Catholic Church. To underpin our commitment to protecting those who may be at risk, we have a Safeguarding Policy which details our responsibilities and the practices within which we operate.
At all times we will listen and act with kindness and compassion towards survivors and victims of any kind of abuse or persecution.
At St Edward the Confessor we take safeguarding very seriously so that everyone can feel safe and secure, practicing their faith, participating fully in the life of the parish, and being part of a caring Catholic community which looks out for one another.
We remain vigilant, so that those who have failed to honour the commandment given to us by Jesus to love one another and who harbour nefarious intentions, have no place to hide within our parish and the wider Catholic Church. To underpin our commitment to protecting those who may be at risk, we have a Safeguarding Policy which details our responsibilities and the practices within which we operate.
At all times we will listen and act with kindness and compassion towards survivors and victims of any kind of abuse or persecution.
For further guidance on safeguarding at St Edwards’s, for support or to report an incident, please contact one of our safeguarding leaders.
Lesley or Geoff Kipling
Tel 01625 611075
Lesley or Geoff Kipling
Tel 01625 611075
Safeguarding Office Contacts
Diocesan Safeguarding Office
Curial Office, 2 Park Road South, Prenton, Wirral CH43 4UX [email protected] 0151-652-9855 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) |
Safeguarding Coordinator:
Andrew O’Brien [email protected] 07557731492 (For use in office hours) Safeguarding Team: Alison Brady [email protected] Alison Charters [email protected] |